
Speaking of Much-Maligned Black Women, Paternity Test Ordered In Case of Duke LaCrosse Team Rape Accuser

OK, this is vaguely interesting but only in a soap opera kind of way:

A judge Friday ordered a paternity test on a baby expected by the woman who has accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape. But both the district attorney and the defense rejected any possibility that one of the men is the father.

News of the accuser's pregnancy comes roughly nine months after the team party where she says she was raped.

District Attorney Mike Nifong said he believes the accuser became pregnant at least two weeks after the party.

The defense asked for the paternity test. At the same time, defense attorney Joseph Cheshire said it is an ''absolute impossibility'' that she got pregnant during the alleged attack.

Cheshire said the woman was given a pregnancy test immediately after reporting she was raped -- and it was negative -- and she took an emergency contraceptive. In addition, DNA tests found no genetic material from any Duke lacrosse team members on the woman or her clothes.