Why All The Hitler Talk?
Remember how outraged the Bushies were time and again whenever there was anything approaching a reference to Hitler and/or Nazis in the same breath with President Bush? There was the ad entry for a Move On promotion where loyalist Bushies wanted MoveOn forcibly disbanded and to lose its tax exempt status (and mind you, this wasn't for a Move On ad, just for a simple entry into a wide open competition Move On had going). There was pious outrage when Bush stood there giving what looked like the classic Hitler "heil" hand motion like the Dems rather than Bush had done it.
Yet regardless of this, everyone from Rove to Grover Norquist to Dick Cheney to Bush and around again has compared anyone from centrist Republicans to Dems as Hitler, as Nazis, as Nazi sympathizers. And this was before the last few weeks when Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush - plus all their Kool-Aid Konsuming Kiddos call Dems "Nazi enablers", appeasers to Hitler, fascists, Neville Chamberlain...
I am sick to death of hearing this. I'm insulted beyond belief and as someone who has met and talked with and interviewed people who survived the Nazi death camps, I can't believe how the Republicans are using these terms so loosely.
And you?