Missouri's Roy Blunt Proves That Stupid Is As Stupid Does.. and Then Some
Now, isn't this a ringing endorsement of intelligence, of understanding the problem, of the Republicans willingness to learn from science and address issues it raises? Heh - not with Missouri's GOP Congress asshole Roy Blunt:
Today in Energy and Environment Daily (sub. req’d), House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) said that if he remains in power after the November elections, there will be no action on global warming for the entire 110th Congress:Blunt and Inhofe must be in the same Mensa chapter. ::smirk::Continued Republican House and Senate majorities would likely mean more of the same on climate. House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said he would oppose global warming mandates if Republicans control the 110th Congress.
Actually, thousands of scientists have agreed that global warming is real, humans are responsible for much of it and, unless steps are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there will be extremely serious consequences.
“I think the information is not adequate yet for us to do anything meaningful,” he said.
61 House members – including Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA) – understand this and have co-sponsored Rep. Henry Waxman’s Safe Climate Act.