Will We Sit Back and Watch More Elections Be Stolen?
Already, we're hearing reports of the gigantic Republican machine gearing up to disallow registered voters throughout the country to vote especially in 2008 but even as soon as the mid-term elections THIS November. As they've done very successfully in Florida, they'll use techniques like taking the names of anyone who even sounds like a felon or anyone else they can and purge them from voting rolls.
Don't think this can't happen in predominantly white areas either. For example, for some strange reason, I keep having to prove I'm a voter in my area of Vermont. Now, it just happens that I technically reside in one of the few Republican enclaves in Central Vermont. But I've questioned others, many of them Republicans, in the same town, and they haven't been asked to prove their voting status. So why me?
Lots of felons named Kate Chase in Vermont? Don't think so. Cause I'm black? I'm a tad pale for that classification.
Or is it because I'm something of an activist, someone who trends toward supporting progressive causes (which, btw, aren't all Democrat nor am I Democrat by party affiliation)?
Now, understand I think there's a serious distinction between the big Republican political machine of people like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, and Karl Rove compared to most Republicans. I can't imagine a single good Republican who would endorse a system to disavow voters of any stripe. Just as there is a HUGE difference between the elites of the Democratic Leadership Committee and most Dems.
Most voters would not condone ANY action that disavows the proper vote to be cast or counted exactly as cast. But I know one thing: unless every decent voter - and that includes lots of citizens who are currently not eligible to vote because "I don't think it counts" which also includes many Dems and GOPs and Independents and third party candidates - stands up now and gets involved in fair voting initiatives that take the emphasis off Republican (or Dem, except there aren't any of the majors owned by Dems) owned electronic voting equipment companies like Diebold who announce "they'll deliver the vote" for people like Bush, we're all screwed.
We can kiss democracy goodbye. In fact, I think it's fairly clear the Bushies already HAVE kissed it goodbye. They don't count us. They fake votes to get the results they want.
We must stop them.