Passing it Along
I'm passing this along with a big however.
I think a settlement is the least of this we should worry about; privacy and dirty games are much bigger issues. Second, I doubt I'd spend any settlement on an American flag. Oh, not because I don't love the flag. I do. But I love what it once meant even more.
Too, a) most American flags are made in China (cough) and b) I think we have a lot of work to do to make what the flag represents worthy of the love and glory we pour into the symbol; a symbol without underlying meaning is rather empty. See my note on Iran earlier today if you need an example.
Verizon, AT&T and BellSouth, the telecom giants that were paid off by the National Security Agency to help it spy on Americans, face billions of dollars in damages from their customers now that the full extent of the program has been revealed.
A federal lawsuit filed in Manhattan against Verizon seeks $50 billion in civil damages on behalf of its customers, who happen to include Yours Truly, and more litigation is sure to come.
I already know what I'm going to buy when Verizon gets around to paying me and its other aggrieved customers: An American flag.How about you?Go to Kiko's House at and let me know what you'll do with your dough.