Sorry about the Paucity of Posts
Work, a six-year-long Bush depression, hardware issues, and a bitch editor from hell have kept me elsewhere. But I'm sadly not joking about the depression.
That we're hearing Bush is doing better in polls right now as he shits on human rights and smirks his way through ripping up the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is honestly getting to me in a way that's hard to imagine. But as much as he bothers me, I'd like to kick some sense (since their anus is clearly the orifice from which they shat their brains a long time ago) into the Bush toadies and even the non toadies who are still clapping for the man.
I'd also like to propose that all these people get forcibly drafted into our war with Iran. You know, the one that won't be a crusade against Muslims even though it's the third Muslim country in a row we've gone in and tried to waste. But Iran isn't quite the country in decline that Iraq was after our sanctions really did wear down so much of the Iraqis. Iran's going to kick ass and it's going to be apparent even to the most fervent Bush apologistas that Bush is on a crusade to puff up his chest while he tries to wipe out every Muslim who isn't doing dirty oil business with his family. Oh, Bush doesn't really believe in all that religious crap. It's an act he bought as true. A few people mistook him for a God-scent King and he's eager to "raise" himself to their expectations.
Of course, it's easy to huff and puff when you aren't sacrificing your sons or daughters. And neither of Bush's kids, or his eight immediate nieces and nephews is doing anything but bar hopping, doing illegal drugs openly but don't face the sanctions you do (in fact, taxpayers pay for the Secret Service to cover up for them), and having rather profiglate sex, sometimes in public, while the Righteous Wrongies pretend that since the kids are in nice clothes, they aren't skanks and sleezes.
My time in advertising (brief) taught me one thing: don't buy the package. :)