
Abramoff Billed $25K to a Client for Lunch with the President

The White House's response?


Actually, there was quite a testy exchange with White House press spokesweasel last week in which McClellan said it was not his job to tell the press what the White House did wrong, it was the press' job to learn what had been done wrong and then ask him questions about it. Novel idea since McClellan isn't paid by Bush and company but by the American taxpayers, true for most of Weaselton... er. Washington.

The Republican talking heads all say this isn't a GOP problem because Abramoff gave money across the board.

But that last part is hardly an accurate portrayal. One report says that for every dollar a Dem got from the ultra-wealthy lobbyist, GOPers got more than $1,000.

They also ignore the fact that under Tom DeLay, Dem lobbyists were pretty much forced to be fired. Any lobbying agency that had a Dem worker was told to hide them away because only GOP lobbyists were welcome. Tom also supposed had breakfast with K Street lobbying groups every week to give them a list of demands for what he and his people wanted. Under DeLay, he all but told staffers that if they expected to be paid, they needed to ask Jack or his cronies to write a check.