Our "New" Great Security Plan
Build a huge fence between Mexico and the US.
Can you say, "No bid Halliburton contract with overages well into the billions"?
I just knew you could.
But all kidding - and there wasn't much, trust me - aside, when Israel did this it was a very BAD idea. In a VERY RARE expression of criticism by Bush of Ariel Sharon, our Commode in Chief said the wall was a very bad idea.
Ah, but we're good at telling other countries they can't do what we do ourselves. And as much as Bush said the Israeli wall was a bad idea, our tax dollars went to Israel to help pay for it.
This is like Bush's speech today in which he blew up at North Korea saying there was no discussion until N Korea gets rid of ALL its nuclear stuff. But America has more nukes than the entire rest of the world put together. Why aren't we getting rid of ours? Though exactly where we'd get rid of it is in question considering the half life of this crap is astronomical. But I'm sure Halliburton would be very willing to accept another multi-billion dollar no-bid contract to pretend to get rid of it safely while actually placing it in the Jersey Pine Barrens or as part of the "new and improved" levee system in New Orleans.
Having no scruples, no ethics, no humanity really clears the way for you to proceed exactly as you'd like - the rest of the country, world, and universe be damned.