Bruce Willis Proves His IQ Isn't All in His Scrotum
Lessee: the $25 million reward the US has been offering for awhile now hasn't done any good, so I figure Bruce knows his million is safe.
Also from TalkLeft:
Actor Bruce Willis is offering $1 million to any civilian who captures Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri or Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.Boy, you put Dog and Bruce together and you've got the IQ of Bush's dog Barney, who is more than 5x as smart as a Bush twin - Jenna or Barbara.
Dog the Bounty Hunter has said several times he'd love to find Osama.Question: How about finding Osama or someone else in the Middle East? Could you do it?
On CNBC, Dog said he could find Osama in 90 days.
Dog: Absolutely. Waiting for the phone call from GW.
Bruce, meet Dog. Dog meet Bruce.