Notice the Assignment of Blame
It took a very short time before the US announced it was al Zarqawi to blame for the horrific Jordan bombings. Hell, it might even be true. But without any investigation, without any more corroboration than is offered by those discredited types who have made billions on the backs of 9/11 and Iraq like Bernie Kerik and other Rudy Giuliani Associates types who ALSO told us Saddam was behind 9/11 and we'd have mushroom clouds in Kansas if we didn't Shock and Awe, the media now says al Zarqawi did the bombings as established fact.
I'll say one thing. Whoever was responsible for planning and execution in Jordan was also the one - or his colleague from Terror U! - who did the Palestine Hotel deal in Baghdad a couple weeks back. Many similarities. But at this point, I can't believe a damned thing my government tells me so I cannot trust that it's al Zarqawi. I don't even know if there is an al Zarqawi. And if there is, is he any more dangerous or mean spirited than Pat Robertson? How could that be possible?