
Hell Must Be Having an Extraordinarily Cool Day...

because I'm also about to quote from George S. Will. I know. I know. :x It frightens me as well. But no, I doubt it's indicative of the Rapture or the End Times prophecies yet I do believe God is getting mightily pissed by our home team's performance.

SALT LAKE CITY -- If you seek a window into conservatism's current consternations, look into Utah. The nation's reddest state -- last year, and in six of the past eight presidential elections, Utah was the most Republican state -- is rebelling against President Bush's No Child Left Behind law.

Only three states have not challenged in some way NCLB's extension of federal supervision over K-through-12 education, but no state has done so with as much brio as Utah, which is insurrectionary even though last year 87 percent of its schools fulfilled NCLB's requirement of demonstrating "adequate yearly progress." Utah, you see, is unique.

Gov. Jon Huntsman, 45, is a seventh-generation Utahan. A former diplomat, he believes what the proverb asserts, that "a soft answer turneth away wrath." He says, tactfully, that perhaps Margaret Spellings, the U.S. secretary of education, "has not had time to read our legislation."