The Ides of the March of the Supreme Court Nominees
No wonder Bush tried to push Capitol Hill to just rubber stamp Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court without asking any pesky questions; the longer he's allowed to sit out there before the hearings, the more opportunities we'll have to hear how as a toddler, he defended Bill Frist who was murdering kitties for fun and profit, and that he believes a woman's place is wherever her man tells her it is.
But to me, the most telling thing is how all the really bizarro world wingnuts are rushing to tell us how wonderful Alito is. Strange little me but if Ann Coulter said she really adored me and was thinking of completing her sexual gender transformation surgery just so she could bear my progeny, I'd be VERY, VERY worried about myself.
I don't want any Supreme (or even a Medium Large) who would let Ann, Charlie Krauthammer, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michele Malkin, David Brooks, etc even think they're his fans.