
Uh oh... Did Dubya Finally Send His "What? Me Worry?" T-Shirt to the Cleaners?

I love how Bush turned the Koolaid Intelligensia In-swelled-head-sia sinking of his gal pal, Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, into how the mean Democrats kept her from her rightful seat because she thinks he's the smartest man she's ever met (Harriet needs to meet more people; all that inbreeding among the Bushies and Cheneys and all can slip a gene here or there).

Harry Reid said he'd vote for her. The Senate Dem Minority Leader.

No Dem had to say boo about Harriet because the obvious craven nutwingers were pushing and shoving the "pretend not to be a nutwinger" nutwingers to see who could get to a microphone to defile this woman fastest. People like:

  • Brownback (there's a real think tank; he should be named Brownnose)
  • Krauthammer (thank God he doesn't practice psychiatry anymore)
  • David ("My Republican handlers believe I can best compensate for being Jewish by writing complete party pablum in arguably the world's most powerful and quoted paper, The New York Times. They've also asked me to obstain from wearing my yamica around the president because Mr. Bush keeps asking where he can get a beanie like mine.") Brooks
  • Bill (Not the funny one unless you consider nutwingery and the whole People for a New American Century crowd a laugh riot) Kristol

But Bush blames the Dems for torpedoing her.

Even if you're willing to give this crowd the benefit of the doubt, that they aren't lying through their teeth about everything, aren't you at least worried about how they reality test?

To the Bush crowd:

  • Iraq's going swell!
  • Undoing posse comitatus to move a member of the military into your home to forcibly quarantine you from the rich, white folk when the Avian flu pandemic hits is a FANTASTIC idea. Halliburton's already no-bid contracted to supply the bullets to shoot grandma if she tries to drive to bingo and what's good for Halliburton is good for our (Dick Cheney's) economy!
  • Tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans at a time of soaring, unchecked deficits is GREAT for the economy!
  • That it's the job of a great nation to have we the people pay the federal government a fortune in taxes to provide services in the event of a national emergency only to have them fail abysmally at every turn and smirk while they do so.
  • Just because Mr. Bush is the leader of the free world doesn't mean he's responsible for any of his actions. I mean, where did you get that silly idea?

Technorati Tags: Bush, Current events, Media, News and politics, Opinion