
deMore on Rosa Parks

I found myself crying with pride at footage from the first major effects of the Civil Rights Movement after Rosa Parks moment. Amazing what can happen when people say no to people who feel they can rule them.

Here's a good piece in the The Post (I said good, I didn't say perfect) and I encourage you to listen to Park's 1956 interview being played on DemocracyNow's podcast (as well as on LINK and FreeSpeech TV and Pacifica Radio and now hundreds of others of places, too).

I've read the text from one of the interviews before. But I loved hearing it. As Rosa always pointed out, contrary to first newspaper reports, she was NOT arrested because she sat in the front of the bus or in the "white" section and refused to give up her seat. She was sitting in her usual seat on that bus at the front of the "colored" section and was told she had to get up from that seat to give it to a white man who was standing.

- who never sat in the damned front of the bus or the "white" section of the bus, as she's been telling us lo these many years -