Bush is the Bestest at the Worstest!
Posted by Karlo at SwerveLeft (and he's got a lot of other good stuff, like a Chicago court ruling against spyware, up so go visit and give my regards):
Lest anyone say that the current administration has failed to take the lead, we should keep in mind that the year 2004 currently ranks number one, according to the comptroller general, among the fiscally most reckless years in U.S. history. (Did one of them free spending libruls sneak into the White House when the president was away chasing ponies on his ranch?)And our "aid" to other countries, except remarkable exceptions like Israel (which, if you notice, is fairly self-supporting except for its military that we finance) is a single pee in the Pacific Ocean compared to what Americans are trained to believe we spend.
And while we're cutting corners on our funding of Amtrak and the U.S. infrastructure, we should reflect on the fact that by the year 2050, we're projected to pay out $285,000,000,000 in disability payments. (And if my discussions with Gulf War vets is representative, this money won't even begin to compensate the actually losses sustained by vets.)
Of course, our tax money does do some positive things like aid other countries. (With a whopping 25% of it going to "help" countries by supplying or repairing their weapons.)
The US as the most generous country in the world? Only if you count what we ship in bullets and chaos 'round the globe.