Some People Believe At Least One Levee Deliberately Blown to Protect Wealthier Homes
Read this from Louise posting at DailyKos:
Friends of mine live in Dallas, and their next-door-neighbor had 9 relatives roll up from New Orleans two days ago. Their house is gone. The whole block is putting together a fund-raising party on Saturday, and the landlord of a vacant house down the street has given them three months' occupancy rent-free.
But that's not the real news. The real news is the story that the relatives tell. They lived near the 17th St. Canal, and their whole neighborhood heard two explosions that they swear was dynomite on Monday night. Perhaps it was the sound of the levees collapsing, but the people there are convinced that the levee was blown.
The theory is that the poor section of town was sacrificed to save the other, wealthier sections.
Of course it matters whether or not such an act actually occurred, but what's scarier is that so many NO residents believe that it did.
That idea - that the Corps of Engineers, a Pentagon entity, blew the levee is only going to get thrown into the mix of the incredibly slow response of the Feds, the fact that they ignored Blanco's requests, and that they won't let the Red Cross in.