The Ten Commandments of the Right-eous
Lambert at Corrente outdid himself. Bravo, says the Father, the Son, and the Holy Bush (or is that the Revised - with a heavy emphasis on vice Trinity of Duba, Cheney, and Karl Rove?)!
I. Thou shalt have no other gods but power and money.
II. Thou shalt make unto thee graven image of power and money.
III. Thou shalt take the name of the LORD thy God.
IV. Remember election days, to rig them wholly.
V. Impoverish thy father and thy mother.
VI. Thou shalt kill.
VII. Thou shalt commit perjury.
VIII. Thou shalt steal.
IX. Thou shalt bear false witness against thy enemies.
X. Thou shalt covet every thing that is thy enemy's.