Non-White Women Go Missing, Too
Genia at SistersTalk makes a most-needed point:
Ya know, I've grown rather bored of the full hour stories on CNN and Fox News about that blonde white girl missing in Aruba. Yeah, she's pretty and all. And yeah, I feel for her family. But geezus fuckin' sakes, the media really ought to be ashamed here. It couldn't be more obvious that if Natalee Holloway were a Black American woman who went off to Aruba and partied -- then disappeared -- she would've been written off ages ago. They certainly wouldn't spend hour after hour -- day after day -- talking about her.
Audrey Seiler, another "missing" white woman, received an enormous amount of media attention. She wasn't really missing. She lied. And then, let's not forget the white runaway bride who also received an enormous amount of media attention. She lied, too.
But, there's Latoyia Figueroa, a missing non-white pregnant woman, has received very little media attention. Now why is that? Laci Peterson was pregnant when she disappeared and she received lots of media attention. Oh wait. She was white.