Jackson Circus About to End?
They say there's a verdict.
But in a case of the pot calling the kettle black, the Jackson supporters out in front of the court - sporting all types of Jackson memorabilia and signs of support - are yelling at the media for "turning the case into a freak show".
This is one time when I'm not sure you can entirely blame the media. Yes, they have paid way undue attention to the Jackson case - an interest that has not been reflected by the majority of the TV news watching audience - but to have all these fans camped outside the court saying the media is the one turning this into a circus is rather laughable. I've seen a few of these supporters sporting signs like "Michael, I'd let my kids go to Neverland with you!"
Man. Again, while I'm not sure I buy that Jackson molested the kid whose case this is about, it's sad to have parents with dollar signs in their eyes ready to offer up their kids for Michael's strange sense of "beautiful".