Cops, Baghdad Style
Doug at Comments from Left Field brings us this:
For those of you who say, "There's nothing good on TV anymore" (and you know who you are), perhaps you should move to Baghdad, where the Al Iraqiya television network, run by an American contractor as the official propaganda organ of the new Iraqi government, airs a wildly popular program that gives new meaning to the term "hit".Our tax dollars at... propagandizing (if you call that work).
"Terrorism in the Hands of Justice" picks up where "Cops" leaves off.
Six nights a week, folks, you can be treated to an endless parade of lowlife scumbags as they confess their crimes against humanity and Islam freely and without reservation.
Murderers. Rapists! Pedophiles!! Homosexuals!!! All on videotaped display for your collective revulsion and humiliation.
What better way to spend an evening at home with the family? Assuming of course, that the electricity doesn't go out.
So when you hear the terrorists claim to be "patriotic, faithful Jihadists fighting the infidel occupiers and all their collaborators", just remember that they are actually bloodthirsty criminals who will do anything for the money they are paid by their Saudi patrons.
When you hear endless reports of endless bombings and wild speculation about religious and tribal vendettas dragging the nation ever closer to the brink of civil war, just look and see how the despicable ones are truly at our mercy.