Well, At Least Someone Covered the Bush Press Conference
And from what I can tell, Wonkette gets it dead on right (which is about where the Immoral Majority and Bush have left this country so far):
10:15 Bush looks nervous. He loves FDR. (Don't tell Franken.)
10:16 "Making progress" in Soc Sec reform, by Iraq definition of making progress. Actually, things going better there.
10:17 "I urge members to talk aboiut solutions I am not brave enough to make. Urge them to talk to constituents maybe they'll do better job than i have."But hey, he is "enjoying myself on these trips." Raids mini bar withoutguilt
10:18 Ah, the Italian question. David Gregory shirt confusing t.v.
10:19 "He wanted me to know that there was little change in his policy." Except for the pulling out part
10:20 "You'll find countries anxious to get out when iraq can defend itself." Yes. Also anxious to get out before that. And some countries so anxious to get out they never went.
10:22 "Lemme just come to the history right quick." He's so adorably folksy. It makes it less scary when he says going to invade
10:25 Bush: "personal accounts do not solve the issue" How long do we give the dems before that quote shows up in mass e-mail?
10:26 10...9.....8....
10:27 Huh. Not here. No WONDER they keep losing.