
While You Were Busy

...this Congress, led by this White House has been even busier making a lot of decisions that basically amount to one big FUCK YOU to the American people.


    * You're going to have to prove you're a citizen now... in your own country.

    * Your rights to sue corporations who damage you are effectively cut off at the knees.

    * The above extends to asbestos litigation in the same week when it was determined that an entire community in the midwest has been contaminated by a company called WR Grace. Want to bet they probably contributed mightily to Bush's campaign?

    * The new fascist director of Homeland Insecurity - who's starting to make Tom Ridge look good - now operates without any laws to protect anyone including you.

    * The president - upon discovery that his Medicare drug plan is a big shill that's going to cost a LOT more than planned - told Congress he would VETO (he's vetoed nothing before) any change in law that allowed American citizens to try to get their drugs at more affordable prices.

    * Congress with the WH is intent on passing changes to SS that pretty much guarantee big fees to Wall Street and no security for you. Oh, and those "personal" accounts Bush talks about? They will be owned by Washington. You're just funding them.

    * It looks like your sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters will be going to war with Iran. Hope you're prepared. You might be next.
And that's just the start of what they've done this week.

Wake up. Stop drinking the "free" Koolaid. Get involved. Say NO loudly and often.