A Belated Wedding Blessing
I was pleased to see a very old friend drop by the blog - which I don't recall pointing him toward - in the last couple of days. "AndrewJBorden", as he posts, has been a friend since childhood and a very dear one at that (even if I'm not always so good at keeping in touch).
Hopefully, he won't be too upset that I mention he was one of the couples who had the good fortune to wed his long-time partner when the brave mayor of New Paltz felt it was only just that same sex partners have the opportunity to marry. While I have not told my friend how pleased I am for him (I suck sometimes), I've been very happy for him.
It's an insane system that likes to lambast gays at being "promiscuous" only then to do everything in its power to keep these same people from entering into committed unions or accept the families they form together. What the hell is wrong with two people coming together, making a commitment to one another, and getting the same privileges (and perils) as everyone else?
So to you, "AndrewJ", my best wishes for a long and happy marriage. My only regret is that I wasn't there to give away the bride. (grin)