Jeff Gannon Threatening to Sue Everyone
He's saying that bloggers and others have effectively conducted "political character assassination" on him.
Hmm. So people who did the job of researching his background - what a journalist does and Gannon, as a non journalist, never did - are assassinating his character for pointing out the many lies he has told. Political? He's not a politician either. As a matter of fact, the only things he is that anyone can tell so far is:
- * a whiner
* a liar
* someone who got spectacular access not afforded to most people with the credentials to get that acccess but have not, which raises many questions of its own
* someone who really likes to pose in the buff
* a male whore (in more ways than one)
But threatening to sue people for exposing his lies seems a tad strange to me. I doubt he'll get very far. If he had any honor - and he's proven he does not - he'd crawl back under the rock from which he oozed.