Stem Cells
From the time I first switched on CNN around 7 this morning, I heard numerous references to the stem cell debate made topical because of the death of Christopher Reeve who was an ardent activist for this research.
But hours of these references went by without a SINGLE mention of the serious handicaps placed on this research by President Bush in 2001. In fact, we were told back then that he spent the entire month of August 2001 off - just prior to 9/11 - to "struggle" with this important issue. His plan (which wasn't much of one) amounted to curtailing federally funded research to one of a set number of genetic lines, many if not much of which has since been found to be contaminated with other genetic material and thus unusable for adequate research.
Bush wanted to appease the religious right. But in truth, it's just one of a whole series of stupid moves he's initiated to hand the reins of science over to people who believe that men have one less rib because God created women from one.
Here's the kicker. When CNN finally discussed the "politics" of the stem cell debate this afternoon (hours after they started), it was on "Inside Politics" and seemed to be framed on whether the stem cell debate could hurt John Kerry. What?
The majority of Americans have shown an interest in what stem cell research can offer. But it's a minority - and evangelicals may have lots of children and be very vocal but they're still a minority of Americans - that will stop at nothing to stop this research.
Among those who have taken advantage of early stem cell research are the wealthy and powerful people who back Bush in his desire to keep such research from benefiting you. See, unless you have oodles of money, your only hope to benefit is through federally funded programs or the rare private foundation research study that lets you in.
But the extreme right doesn't like knowledge. Keeping people stupid and mad helps to keep them controlled, I guess. Just ask Rush, Falwell, and Schafly.
So we get to see the First Stepford Wife (aka Laura) coming out to say "good Christians understand that life is very precious, right up to the point where we decide to kill you" and that stem cells are bad because the research kills babies. Unfortunately, stupidity kills more babies, and the far right and the Bushies' abstinence plan helps create those babies. Abortions and stem cell research must be illegal for you, but it's these fat old white men who make it illegal or unobtainable for you who can then turn around and pay for stem cells and they can arrange abortions for their daughters and girlfriends.
OK, I'm not being very articulate on this because I'm so mad. The president and the government rush out to embrace Reeve for political gain even at the same time they make sure mere mortals can never benefit from stem cell research.