Proving Testosterone Levels?
Both Kerry's and Bush's comments in response to the most recent release of a bin Laden tape struck me both as peculiar or, let me say, struck me as completely political "last weekend before the vote" responses.
Both of them made it sound like 9/11 or something comparable just happened, both seemed far too intense. Before you think I want them to be nice to bin Laden... hardly. But sometimes an over-intense response seems to speak more about the speaker's state of mind than what the threat posed by the other party. Both made us sound like bullies who are extremely fearful.
On a side note, bin Laden's comment about "if I hated freedom, I would have attacked Sweden and not the U.S." nearly made me laugh. See, I honestly don't buy the "he hates our freedoms" bullshit. If that were true, we wouldn't have been so fast to strip away so many of those damned freedoms. But I think Rove-Bush-Murdoch etc love that freedom line because it strikes an emotional chord. Stop and think about it for 10 seconds however and it's ludicrous.