
If Only Lucienne Goldberg Had Used Birth Control During Her Love Tryst with J. Edgar Hoover

(She was the male, don't you know.)

They actually pay Jonah (Lucienne's son) for this:

If Bin Laden's aim is to get Bush elected, that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong to vote for Bush.
And this (same link):
Folks - I don't mean this to be a "Is it good for the Jews" moment. But, the Osama tape is good for the Jews.

I know that 99.98% of the people who read the Corner -- liberals, leftists and conservatives alike -- understand that "the Jews" or Israel had nothing to do with 9/11. But that doesn't mean there aren't hundreds of millions of people around the world who think otherwise including, alas, more than a few Americans. I hear from them quite often.

Osama Bin Laden confessed (again) today on that tape. It's not talking point number one. But it's worth noting.
He's also suggesting that Michael Moore scripted bin Laden's statement.

Now if only Jonah could grow the thick facial hair his mother does...