How Many Ways is This Baa-aaa-aad?
The Times says that the US is now supporting some of Israel's development of West Bank land that it supposed to go back to the Palestinians. So when Israel went against the agreement with us, our "tough" response was to say, "Great idea!" (My mother never said that to any of my detours from the her agreed upon rules, trust me.)
Granted, most of the US won't pay a bit of attention to this. The same cannot be said for the Arab world, as well as some savvy Israelis who realize the recipe cook-off for disaster is well underway. Nor can we miss other parts of the world where people seem to need no excuse to further their anti-Semitism.
Now here's a strange bit of trivia to ponder. Anti-semitism is the so-called nice terminology for being biased against Jews. But Palestinians are semitic, too. Sure, lots fall into the category of actually being anti-Semitic because they don't care for either camp.
Me? I'd love to see a time when Israelis and Palestinians could peacefully co-exist. But it sure won't be anytime soon, even after Sharon and Bush go bye-bye, whenever that happens.