The Draft?
Whether it's CNN's daily vote, various blogs, or even several different newspapers around the country, much of the talk is about the draft: whether to reinstate it, when, and for whom.
I loathe the idea of the draft again for all it means. However, I also hate the idea that 90% or more of our military are poor kids without other options. Think, for example, how many of those with alien status joined the War on Terrorism just trying to get citizenship even if posthumously.
If Bush is going to declare war on different parts of the 1.4 billion strong Muslim world, I guess he's going to need bodies to do that. (Huge sigh.) The draft would be more fair than the current system.
But to reinstate the draft, it should be made far more fair by covering two points:
- * stripping the special outs for rich kids (Capitol Hill kiddies have to go, too)
* including women