
Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, probably everyone and everything but the president, that is.

Spain is pulling out its troops as fast as it can. While the right wing is screaming here (calls of "Old Europe" and "traitors in the War on Terrorism") about it, Spain and its citizens have every right - and dare say, reason - to get the hell out of there. God knows several of the independent contracting firms - like those providing food, supply, and security services to our troops and other coalition authories - are doing so, and they have far more financial incentive to stay.

The British are said to be considering removing their troops - the largest contingent at about 44,000 after the US's 120,000 or so - if a key Shia group asks them to do so.

Russia's gone at the end of the week, and both Italy and Poland are said to be considering it.

All the buzz is on Woodward's new book. Interesting that Woodward was able to get so much access, first to write the earlier book which seems like a real PR piece for Bush, while the second blows the lid off a few things that are downright illegal and/or unethical. But watch - the Bush Admin will show its Teflon coating once again. It's bloody amazing.