
Pat Robertson on CNN

I'm not sure whether it's the stomach flu or all the promos for Pat Robertson's appearance on today's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer that has me feeling St. Patty Day green.

Pat's supposed to tell us who's going to win the election (Bush, because God told him), how he thinks the separation of church and state should be decided (Pat will decide that only good religious men such as himself have special rights to impact the rest of us, I'm sure).

I still say my God told me Pat Robertson is a major league asshole who should not be trusted. And I've "learned" enough from Pat to be able to say, "My God is better than your God" with some credibility. Insert sneer here.

Ewwww... there's Pat, that worm. Now Pat is telling us he's always right (and failing to mention all the time his predictions were as proper as most of his business dealings in diamond-bearing countries). He's laughing as he inferred God would prefer Dean be chosen as the Dem nominee against Bush because Kerry might be a more formidable nominee.

Does anyone else find it odd that these total wingnut whack jobs keep telling us to make Dean the nominee? You could take it as spoken (which I wouldn't) and infer "My gosh, we better nominate Kerry"). Or you could take it that they're FAR more concerned with the clear differences between Bush and Dean making Bush the one-termer his father was (although his Daddy didn't need the Supremes to hand it to him), so they're daring us to put up Kerry. I definitely never take Pat Robertson at smarmy smiling face value. I'm actually quite concerned that people are believing the message some of the GOP is sending in leaning toward Kerry. I wonder how big a mistake that could be (again, Kerry is a very good candidate and there is much to admire about the man and his actions - but I'm not in the "Howard Dean is finished" camp).

Oh boy, listen to Pat qualify his answer to Wolf's question about whether, "Dick Cheney is a good man." Pat said, "As far as I know" then back pedaled and mentioned that Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter (this he added with a big smile and a little tee-hee).

Why do they give this blood-sucking man any air time? And I do mean blood sucking. Check into his businesses.