Go San Francisco
I think it's marvelous that more than 2,300 couples have been married in about a week in San Francisco, even with the right and the Gropinator ("Ve have no money for schools but I'd like to tear the roof off the state capitol building so I can be tough guy and smoke cigars with my fat cat friends") trying to get them to stop.
And while I'm at it, I thought it was cool that Mayor Daley of Chicago says he'd like to see Chicago do it, too.
Strangely enough, only the same number of heterosexual marriages ended this week as the week before. Perhaps gay marriage won't end marriage after all! I know I haven't felt any threat to my heterosexuality this week.
The president keeps saying "let the people decide." But a) he only wants certain people to decide and b) if he were so concerned with what the majority of Americans would vote for, he wouldn't have taken the recount vote to the Supreme Court in 2000. Oh, and c) there's a rumor going about that the First Lady of Texas is mad at the governor because he has dalliances with the same sex. So apparently a potentially gay man was good enough to become Bush's hand picked successor in Texas... so surely he'd be good enough to date one of Mr. Bush's nephews.