
GOP Loyalists Blame Everyone But Themselves

I notice Buzzflash links to one online article about this, but I happened to catch Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Ill) on "Hardball" tonight and grew quickly enraged when LaHood repeatedly seemed to blame the Congressional page program ("We don't need them") no matter how many times Chris Matthews tried to say, "Well, the page program worked before. This isn't about the pages doing something wrong."

Now, I spoke with a friend from the Chicago area after I saw this, and she tells me that LaHood, for a Republican (her words, not mine), isn't a real bad guy. OK, I buy that.

But this is how low the Mark Foley-GOP Leadership folks are willing to sink: blame the teenagers and the Page program (and ABC News and George Soros and Bill Clinton and hell... why not pink socks?), everyone but a) Mark Foley, b) the GOP leadership of Dennis Hastert and John Boehner, c) how the GOP majority has been running Washington for six plus years now.