Senate Refuses to Amend Detainee Bill to Allow Detainees to Challenge Their Detention
I'm really quite mortified with all that is going on in Washington, and even more upset to see that a simple change in the wording of the "detainee torture" bill to allow a detainee to question why (s)he is being held could not even see the light of day.
What Washington is doing now will have effects for decades, if not centuries, to come. We have more than just opened the door slightly for any other country to do whatever it wants not just to our service men and women but also to anyone else who finds themselves at the wrong end of the law in a foreign country. And remember, MOST of the detainees we've held have NEVER had charges filed against them while those that have have usually ended up walking because we cannot prove the case (which, considering how we stack the deck against them... wow).