
Rush, Coulter: Always Avoiding Punishment

Funny how the extreme right always gets a pass for their misdeeds.

Rush Limbaugh, despite being ordered by the court to stay away from illegal prescription drugs to avoid prosecution for his massive abuse of same, apparently will face no legal action for being found in possession of a bottle of Viagra that was not in his name, while Annthrax Coulter is apparently getting a pass for plagiarizing her books and columns from the works of others.

From TPM Muckraker on the Coulter connection:

So what happens when a columnist is found using other's words without attribution? I called Universal Press Syndicate, which distributes Coulter's column to over 100 newspapers.

What's the story? I asked Kathie Kerr, the company's media relations chief. Is your company considering any action against Coulter? Will there be any fallout? "I think [Coulter] is the one that needs to address this," Kerr told me at first.

I noted that in other plagiarism cases -- Jayson Blair, for instance -- the response was not left up to the writer. Indeed, in that case the New York Times and its editors bore responsibility for his misdeeds.

"After the investigation is complete and the allegations are proven correct, that's right," she told me.

So is there an investigation into Coulter's writings? "Not that I know of," Kerr replied. She promised to get in touch with Coulter's editor and call me back.

Also, Kerr told me that so far, none of the papers carrying Coulter's column have called to complain about the plagiarism, or to drop the feature.
Silly me: when I'm hired to write something, I do my own research and do the work myself. What an ignorant slut I must be!