
Denny Hastert: Fat Boy, Corrupt Boy

Not a surprise: ABC is reporting that the FBI is investigating Speaker of the House Denny Hastert (the lovely fellow who drove a hybrid car for three inches before he got back in his honking huge Chevy Suburban that gets about 2 1/2 feet per gallon of gas) for corruption and other lovely things.

Oh, trust me, I'm not forgetting about Dem William Jefferson, but while they've been discussing his crimes a lot lately, the real story happened last summer when I wrote about it. Jefferson's story, I suspect, was largely regurgitated recently just to be sure they could mention a Dem had credibility/honesty issues, too. I don't think there's any question that Dems can be as corrupt as Republicans... but the recent DeLay/Santorum/Frist and Hastert Reps stand in a category all by themselves for dirty.