Standing Up for What is Right, Standing Up to Bush
I think the Boston Globe puts this quite well in an editorial today. What it says goes well beyond partisan politics and touches upon concepts and beliefs we have always said (at least) we hold dear from our country's earliest times under our founding fathers:
Amen!PRESIDENT BUSH'S secret intercepts of American citizens' communications are ''more serious abuses" than President Nixon perpetrated in Watergate, according to an informed observer. John Dean, counsel to Nixon during Watergate, was on target when he told the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Friday that Congress should fight back when a president ignores laws it has passed...
Senator Lindsey Graham countered at the hearing that Nixon's motive was base self-interest, while Bush is seeking to strengthen national security. This is a worthwhile distinction from the South Carolina Republican, but it only underlines the cavalier manner in which Bush brushes off congressional actions and mandates.
It should not take a censure resolution to get the members of Congress to stick up for themselves. If they do not, they are as culpable as Bush.