
Bird Flu Boo-Boo

From the wires:

WASHINGTON - Only half of Americans are confident their government will deal effectively with the bird flu if it reaches the U.S., and they want strong steps including human quarantine and closed schools if there's an outbreak in the population, according to a poll.

The AP-Ipsos survey, out Friday, found widespread expectation that birds will become infected in this country in the next year, as the government predicts. One third worry someone in their family will get it.
Uh... first, where the fuck was the half that is confident our government will deal effectively with this when Katrina and Bush and FEMA hit last August? Whatever these people are smoking... well... I don't want any of it, thank you very much.

Second, who the (bleep) would trust the Bushies to run a quarantine? He'd quarantine people who don't like him and close schools that blacks attend.

(going off muttering to self about the Kool-aid Konsumption in this Kountry)