
Revisionist History: Casper Weinberger

Listening the last two days to all the grand tales about former Reaganite Casper Weinberger, who died early yesterday, I've noticed how much revisionist history is at work here.

This is a man who was intimately tied to the whole Iran-Contra debacle, which was another stealing of the presidency (Reagan's deals behind the scenes to get the Iranian hostages released ONLY right after he won the election), and Weinberger SHOULD have been tried, convicted, and done prison time. So should Ollie North and Reagan himself.

Now, however, mush mouths like Pat Buchanan and Chris Matthews herald Weinberger as "a class act", a great man, a fine public servant, et al. It's nauseating.

But all of this seems to pale in comparison to the acts of treason and the crimes being committed - even bragged about - by the Bushies.