
Note to FDA: Why Do You Allow Lead In Candy?

Go figure:

The U.S. government's Food and Drug Administration proposed on Thursday a stricter recommended limit on the amount of lead, a highly toxic metal, allowable in certain Mexican-style children's candies.

The list includes spicy lollipops widely sold in many Hispanic neighborhoods in the United States. The FDA now recommends that candies likely to be eaten by small children not contain more lead than one-tenth of a part per million, an 80 percent reduction from the previous, decade-old recommended level of one-half part per million.

The amount of lead represented by the new level does not pose a significant risk to small children, the agency said.
I have a theory. The FDA, long a useless bitch whore to the drug industry, believes that lead is good for Hispanic children because it kills brain cells and may get them to vote for Bush and men like him.