Other Good Blog Pieces to Check Out
So instead of doing what I should be doing today - namely, writing 7 chapters on one book, editing eight chapters on another, and taking photographs for a third book while I change the oil in the car, flush the radiator, and clamp the tailpipe (a writer's life is just so incredibly glamourous HA!) - I've been checking the words of my blogleagues (the closest way I can say blogging colleagues).
Offered here for your edification, amusement, and consternation:
Xavier at Pibbshow points us to a blog with quite a different view than Mr. Bush of what we've lost in Iraq.
BradBlog tells us how the Dept of (In)Justice whitewashed (and that's a wholly appropriate term, I might add) the election improprieties in Ohio for the presidential vote in November 2004.
Steve Gilliard has several good pieces up, but one in particular caught my eye: a reality TV show called The Neighborhood that ABC has pulled largely because it shows how close-minded, bigoted, and nasty some Americans can be toward anyone is slightly different from who these people think they are. Go read.
Reprised at Skippy is this:
srewy hoolie, over at scrutiny hooligans, to sandra day o'connor:Vince at Spazzzdic Musings shares a story he related to me about a recent incident that I'm so glad he posted. Makes you think!but, damn woman, why couldn't you hold out until '09? when your great-granddaughter is getting a back-alley abortion, you'll wish you had.
At the same time, Vince points us via link to a blog I had not read before, Today in Iraq. Go see for yourself.
And finally, entitled "The Jew Without a Clue", Morbo posts this at The Carpetbagger Report:
One of the things I've enjoyed most about the Jack Abramoff/Indian casino scandal is seeing Ralph Reed's name dragged through the mud on a regular basis. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Many bigwigs active in the Religious Right, I am convinced, really are religious fanatics. They believe what they say and are absolutely convinced the Bible backs them up. That's what makes a guy like James Dobson so scary.
Others are just in it for all the money and power they can grab. They have no ethics or principles and their real god is Mammon. That's what makes Reed so scary.
But not everyone who plays this game becomes as famous or wealthy as Reed. Several notches below him rests a cast of minor players who move in the orbit of the Religious Right the way seagulls hang around the fringes of a garbage dump, always looking for a tasty morsel they can walk away with.
A guy named Daniel Lapin, the Religious Right's favorite rabbi, plays this important role for the theocrats among us. Whenever the Religious Right needs to claim Jewish support, Lapin is there. It's a lucrative job, because only a handful of rabbis in the country are willing to humiliate themselves by doing things like publicly exonerating TV preacher Pat Robertson after he has written an entire book based on post-World War I anti-Semitic conspiracy theory tracts. Yet Lapin did it.