

As John Conyers gets more than a half million signature on a petition to demand that Mr. Bush explain the contents of the Downing Street Memo, as Republicans, Dems, and Indies alike ban together to say this war was wrong and that they disapprove of the way Mr. Bush is handling just about everything, as complaints about Gitmo and Abu Ghraib rise in volume and ugliness, as the GOP is trying to force the Social Security retirement age to 69 or 70, as Iraq gets bloodier with each new day, and as Americans prepare to take to the streets tomorrow to protest the government's handling re: the Downing Street Memo... have you noticed that all we hear about is "possible new terror alerts", Saddam, al Zarqawi (who's apparently not dead although we proclaimed him dead for the 19th time recently), why the Patriot Act is so great even though it wouldn't have stopped 9/11?

In other words, all we hear is bullshit while all the important material goes unmentioned.