Boxer Has Balls Indeed
The great Madeleine Kane has another blog, devoted to the subject of courageous California Senator Barbara Boxer. Says Madeleine:
Why President Boxer?Hey, I'd take her over rehashed Kerry anytime, and Gore is really no longer viable. His chance to run was 2004. There won't be another.
Republicans feel free to create their own realities, so why can't I? And in my idealized reality, Senator Barbara Boxer is the President of the United States.
She's a true liberal, she does her homework and, unlike the weenie-dems in the Senate and House, she has the courage of her convictions.
Barbara Boxer's actions throughout the Ohio vote and Condi Rice hearings are more than enough to earn my support. Moreover, Boxer puts her fellow democrats to shame.
By 2008, however, the Dems-in-the-know will be telling us we have to vote for a man who personally ate the heads off Osama's men, believes women should be barefoot and pregnant and gagged, and who feels that Wal-Mart isAmerica and democracy at its best. Ugh.