Resolutions for My America
I'm not America; I'm just a 290 millionth of it. But if America were me, these are the resolutions I would like to fulfill in the coming year:
- * Take a long hard look at the Constitution and other documents created by our forefathers which stress separation of church and state, racial and religious tolerance and equality, protections for liberty by citizens and non-citizens alike
* To stop mentioning and using torture like it's a solution rather than an extension of terrorism
* To not send our young men and women to war for corporate America, for oil, and under the guise of liberating others
* To force politicians to be accountable to those they represent
* To stop being an icon and start being a member of the global community
* To stop giving lip service to freedom, dignity, and caring and start actually behaving that way
* To turn away from our worship of stars and football players and the ultra-rich and turn our appreciation toward everyday Joes and Janes, Moustaffas and Abrahims, Chongs and Garcias
* To realize that our schools, our teachers, our libraries are great entities and worthy of our support
* To find a way to provide health care for all
* To cease handing over America's assets to the richest and most powerful