I've been quiet on this subject principally because it is so damned disturbing.
We're in Fallujah largely for one reason: those contractors who were killed and hung from a bridge last spring. We did a two-month much-publicized build up to attack and then - lo and behold! - most of the hard-core insurgents left, letting old men and young untrained ones try to protect the city and the tens of thousands of civilians left behind from the might of the U.S. military. What we're doing in Fallujah is criminal. It's also criminal that we're sending soldiers to their deaths there when we know we're not fighting the enemy they said they were there to fight.
Our first act on arrival was to take over the one hospital not overrun by insurgents (and at this point, I suspect the insurgents include a HUGE number of Iraqi patriots who see this as a battle for the sanctity of their homeland against a foreign aggressor - US) and put it out of business for helping the injured civilians.
Controlling 70% of a city vacated by the power base is what exactly? All we did was drive up violence everywhere else. And - oh yes - sent the Sunnis packing, guaranteeing that another large percentage of the Iraqi population won't vote in January.
Iraqis are smart enough to realize that we have installed a puppet government and plan to do the same in January under the guise of "freedom and democracy". But these are just words to the Bush administration to rally U.S. support. What we want to do is control Iraq... and any other Muslim country we can lay our bombs on. That's why Yassir Arafat was so hated and disrespected by the Bushies: he dared to say an Arab life is worth a Christian life and a Jewish life.
As someone raised a Christian, I swear the most valuable lesson I ever learned was that it was Christians who sacked the Great Library of Alexandria. Dumb people won't rise up like smart ones. Which makes you wonder about the Bushies and the right trying to sack the U.S. public school system in favor of religious schooling and home schooling.