
MoveOn and CBS

I was a bit miffed the other day when I heard CBS had refused to run MoveOn.org's ad rebuttal to the president's state of the union address during the SuperBowl, but could appreciate it on the grounds that CBS said it was not accepting any issue-based advertising for the game (unless the issue is how fat or drunk you can become while watching it, I suppose).

But my understanding stopped when I realized that yet again - our hard-stretched tax dollars are being used to run anti-pot ads during the SuperBowl. This certainly sounds like issue-based advertising to me. It's an even bigger issue when news came out in the last couple of weeks that not only were the hundreds of millions spent on the last round a joke, but that the ad company responsible for them had overbilled for work by many millions of dollars.

The Bush Administration is fixated about pot, to the point where they've raided homes of those who are seriously and/or terminally ill and using it - under state-sanctioned laws - for medical purposes. They'll waste no end of money trying to trounce it when the big pharmaceutical companies are about to pocket all the money that should be going to better health care for seniors. But that's because pharmaceutical companies are very generous to politicians.

And CBS apparently is just a liar.