
Media Whores returns from the pasture...

It's great to see that Media Whores Online is back. And considering they returned only today, they've already got well more than 2,000 votes in their Vote for Media Whore of the Year competition.

I see Tim Russert has an impressive lead, but I'm surprised at a few names not listed. Surely, Wolf Blitzer has earned a rightful place there, along with Bob Novak, Diane Sawyer, the infamous Judith ("My God, there are WMDs hidden even in my underwear") Miller, Lou ("Code Orange is great for holiday shopping") Dobbs, Christopher ("I don't drink, really") Hutchins, to name but a few. Thankfully, no one on Fox pretends to be a journalist and sadly, this is true for most of CNN and MSNBC, too.

And speaking of people who play journalists on TV, word has it that MSNBC has signed Deborah ("duh") Norville, GE's answer to Paula Yawn Zahn. Yeah, Helen Thomas may not have plastic surgery every 6 months and isn't blonde, but I'd sure prefer spending an hour with her.